1. Tell us something about yourself. Who is Bobby Sachdeva in real life? What are his likes and dislikes?
To be precise, Bobby Sachdeva is a sensitive common man who was leading a struggling life from youth till 3 years ago. I’m a businessman by profession and a Writer by Passion. Now that I have settled and achieved what was expected as a family man, I have started following my passion for writing through which I address the social issues.
I like to work and I dislike being idle.
2. What are your hobbies and how do you like to spend your free time?
My hobbies are listening to music and playing badminton. I like to spend my free time with my family.
3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
After being physically and mentally 100% involved in my work and achieving what is required in a materialistic world, I found out that I was not mentally satisfied enough and that is when I started writing on the issues I feel strongly for. This was about 2 years back.
4. Do the debut authors face any difficulty in getting their work published?
Generally, debut authors do face a lot of difficulties but fortunately I didn’t. Though I was initially rejected by 2 or 3 big publishing houses. I met Mr. Prasun Chatterjee of Pan Macmillan at a book fair and he really liked my content and agreed to do three books with me. My next is a semi-autobiography “Once There Was Me” which has delayed a little because of the pandemic, but will be released in the next few months.
5. How did the idea of “Stories of Us” come to you?
Each time I read any disturbing issue (mainly in newspaper), I pen a story around it. Ultimately, I had all this as a collection and I finally thought of compiling all the short stories in one book.
6. Do you want each of your book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
This book is completely different from the rest of my books. Though my next three books have some kind of a connection that too coincidentally.
7. Why did you choose problems affecting Indian Society as the topic of your 1st book?
Because I’m really moved by these issues which are commonly present but generally ignored and I feel by getting these issues into the eye of the general public, I’m doing my bit for the society.
8. How has your environment & upbringing colored your writing?
My writing is generally on dark subjects because I’ve been through many such struggles in real life. Though I’m settled and successful now but I always will be sensitive towards these issues.
9. Who is your favorite author of all time? Name some of your favorite works from him/her.
Though I’m not a very avid reader of books but I like The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini.
10. Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve been sitting at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?
As named by someone, I’m an ulti writer. Ulti means vomit. I can’t think and write. Writing comes to me whenever it comes and I pen it down in one go. I never look again into my writing. It’s instantaneous.
11. Who is your favorite human of all time and why? (irrespective of the Time period)
Bhagat Singh. Because he designed his death for his country which is very rare.
12. Where do you get your ideas from? Is it extensive reading or something else?
My idea of writing comes mainly from newspapers namely Hindustan times and Punjab Kesari. And many a time from real-life experiences.
13. What’s your advice for aspiring authors?
Everyone is unique. Be original.
14. Let us know your favourite:
Movie- Rang de basanti
Song– Pal Pal Dil ke paas
A movie dialogue– where Aamir says if you’re different then “Thappa Dikhao.”
15. How do you lift yourself up when feeling down?
I try to keep myself positive all the time but whenever I feel low, self-counseling helps.
16. What according to you is Life all about?
Journey of Highs and Lows
17. What’s your idea of Happiness? Do you feel that happiness is luck or is it a practiced mindset?
Doing what your heart likes is the idea of happiness. It’s definitely a practiced mindset. One can find happiness in anything and everything.
18. Is there anything to learn for humans from the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Oneness. This pandemic has again tried to teach us that we are all at one level but I don’t know how many will understand.
19. How can readers connect with you? Share your social media links and email
I’m available and try to answer all the questions of my readers on social media.
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ibobbysachdeva/?hl=en
Email- ibobbysachdeva@gmail.com
20. A message for readers of HappinessDhaba.
Understand the need of the hour. Stay home. Follow social distancing. Prevention is always better than cure.
Read More Here: Stories of Us | Bobby Sachdeva | Book Review
This was our 3rd Interview in the series “Hearty Conversation with Artists.” And we really enjoyed it.
We wish Author Bobby Sachdeva a Happy & Healthy life ahead. Also, we wish him luck for his upcoming book “Once There Was Me“.
That’s all we have for today. Thanks a lot for tuning in to HappinessDhaba. I Hope, you got to know a lot about Bobby Sachdeva and learned something valuable from his experiences.
Do let me know your views in the comment section. Till then, Goodbye.
Signing off with my favorite words.
Zindagi Zindabad!
Author Profile

- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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