Author Kapil Raj
1. Tell us something about yourself. Who is Kapil Raj in real life? What is your educational background?
Based out of Delhi-NCR, I am a working professional in a Fortune-500 Company. With the heart of a philosopher, mind of a realist, and a deep-rooted non-conformist, I live many lives. I am a pass-out from Amity University and Six-Sigma certified.
2. What are your hobbies or how do you like to spend your free time?
From nine-to-nine work life and family responsibilities, there is hardly any scope of free time. The remaining of the hours I write or meditate.
3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
For me writing is a medium to attain peace, a way to solicitude. I used to write without an aim. The horrifying Nirbhaya Incident shook my core and I started writing my thoughts along with the research of how people can do such heinous acts. In the course of time, the idea of the story got crafted and resulted in the novel, ENDURER – A Rape Story.
4. Do the debut authors face any difficulty in getting their work published?
Writing a book is only a part, the journey from the manuscript to the hand of a reader is itself a story. Many authors are misinformed or not aware (including myself) at first, but the reality unfolds itself. And the biggest challenge comes in the form of judgment, both by the publisher and the reader for any debut author.
5. What kind of research does it take to write a book like “Endurer- A Rape Story?”
Click Here to buy it from Amazon
ENDURER A Rape Story is a result of more than three years of research. As the plotline included characters that were diverse on the basis of economic and social factors. So, on the one hand, I interviewed people with high social status, and on the other, I was traveling to remote locations in Rajasthan to know the conditions and behavior of people towards women. I also spoke to members of Panchayat in villages to know the ground reality and their reactions towards usual gender taboos.
6. According to National Crime Record Bureau, 1 Rape is reported every 15 minutes in India, what according to you are the reasons behind this? Also, what role society has to play in putting an end to this menace?
If I may coin, rape is a global epidemic. It has inflicted every society, culture, and nation. The reasons for sexual assaults are more than just being about sex, itself. And it may sound surprising but somewhere it is the society’s mindset which is the primary reason for increasing gender-based assaults. Taking the example of Nirbhaya Case itself, the eye of Nirbhaya’s mother has dried up in the wait of justice. But Mr. A P Singh for straight eight years kept on defending the culprits. And the job appeared personal as according to his own statement, he would have alighted his own daughter if she would have engaged in a pre-marital activity or disgraced himself in front of the family. Such people are one of the real unidentified reasons for increasing sexual abuse and violence in the country. Even if the culprits get served, it still leaves a message of hope for future scoundrels because such lawyers, people exist in society to save them, to support them.
7. Do you want each of your book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
The market influences one to create a series, but I tend to let the content decide.
8. Who is your favorite author of all time? Name some of your favorite works from him/her.
Charles Dickens (childhood Nostalgia 😊), Jonathan Franzen, Khushwant Singh, Salman Rushdie – and all of their work
9. How has your environment and upbringing colored your writing?
Interesting Question! Environment and upbringing impact every author’s work, directly or indirectly. For me, I have seen the divide in the world; the success, the failures, the noble side of people, backstabbing actions, and all of this one can notice in my writing.
10. Which female author you would love to date if given a chance? (From any Time Period)
I would like to have a conversation over coffee with Alice Sebold. She was raped on her way home through a park off-campus. Despite the trauma, today she is world known face after penning down Lucky & The Lovely Bones. I am deeply inspired by her and according to me she is an ENDURER in true sense.
11. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Also, tell us something about what’s next in the line?
I was really concerned before publishing ENDURER A Rape Story on the basis of discouraging reactions by many publishers as the subject was of negative nature. But after the acceptance by the readers and success of this book, I am on my way to bring another novel on the most controversial topic of our times.
12. Do you Google yourself? If yes, how often?
I used to initially. But now I am there 😉
13. What according to you is True Love all about?
Love is not a fancy tale as depicted in movies and novels. Sacrifice without expectations, standing for your Beloved and accepting the differences is my definition of True Love
14. Does happiness require autonomy, or community, or both? (Can we be happy alone?)
Yes, we can be happy and at peace alone. People around have created a mirage and try to impose their definition of happiness on others. We, without thinking much try to run for it spilling our inner peace.
15. We at HappinessDhaba believe that Words, almost always, can set us free, so we would like you to share some of your favorite words that might create an impact on the readers. It can be a movie dialogue, a book quote, or your own words. Anything, that you feel can bring a change.
“If you cannot find a purpose, make one”
Purpose adds meaning to life, our existence. On many occasions I have met people who are depressed by their mundane life or could not find any reason to continue the existing hardships. This simple line has the ability to transform your life. No God or angel is going to come to you to explain your purpose and do not waste much time in knowing. Instead try an alternative method, find something which is productive to you, society and environment, and work hard on it. It could be anything, planting trees, helping others, writing a book, singing, photography and eventually something would touch your soul, and there my friend – you would know what to do.
16. Is there anything to learn for humans from the Coronavirus Pandemic?
We do not need to save the planet, the planet can save itself from us. This is a reminder that human species is not a special one. Every bit of nature as a part of the earth, together forming an eco-system. One tiny micro-organism was enough to sweep down the centuries of systems, research, and bring our economies on the verge of a crash.
17. What’s your advice for aspiring authors?
Success is the last page in the book of failures. Learn to embrace let-downs, rejections & criticism; surely success will find its way to you
18. How can our readers connect with you? Share your social media links and email.
19. A message for the readers of HappinessDhaba
HappinessDhaba is an excellent platform for readers. In these tough times take care of mental wellbeing and as part of this community, stay safe and Happy.
This was our 5th Interview in the series “Hearty Conversation with Artists.” And we really enjoyed it. Author Kapil Raj is someone whom I personally admire a lot. The way he portrayed the character of Palak in the book Endurer – A Rape Story is really praiseworthy. It’s an inspiration to the multitude and an eye-opener for the society.
We wish Author Kapil Raj a Happy & Healthy life ahead. Also, we are optimistic that someday he will get a chance to have Alice Sebold on a coffee date 🙂
That’s all we have for today. Thanks a lot for tuning in to HappinessDhaba. Hope, you got to know a lot about Author Kapil Raj.
Do let me know your views in the comment section. Till then, Goodbye.
Signing off with my favorite words.
Zindagi Zindabad!
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- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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