Author Reecha Agarwal Goyal
1. Tell us something about yourself. Who is Reecha in real life? What is your educational background?
A full-time mother, dreamer and a believer in magic. I am an MBA from Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai
2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I guess I always had it in me. A writer always knows.
3. What problems do the debut authors face in getting their work published?
Rejections, Rejections and more Rejections until your manuscript lands in the right inbox
4. How many books have you written? Tell us a little about all of them?
#1. Such is Her Life
#2: She – screw silence
#3: Forever is not Enough
All the 3 books deal with the Strength and Determination of Women
5. Why did you choose plight of Indian women as the topic of your 1st book, “Such is Her Life?” In a society that has closed its eyes to gender-inequality, Weren’t you afraid of being labelled as a pseudo-feminist?
I am not afraid of labels.
6. How has your environment & upbringing colored your writing?
The environment has had a very crucial role to play in my writing. Especially the social environment.
7. Why does patriarchy persists even in the 21st century? How different the world would have been if patriarchy hadn’t been invented?
Patriarchy has been lurking in our society since forever. The world would have been a much kinder place if patriarchy didn’t exist.
8. According to the World Economic Forum’s most recent Global Gender Gap Report, the biggest gaps in gender- inequality is in economic and political empowerment. And, at the current rate of progress, closing these gaps will take about 202 and 107 years respectively. Is it always going to be a “Work in Progress” or do you see some light?
There is Hope. Women are speaking up. I see a revolution soon.
9. Don’t you think that the society we live in does not encourage gender-parity, in fact, it creates a breeding ground for patriarchy? If yes, what we, as an individual, can do to cast our vote in favor of a more balanced society?
Educate the boys of the house.
10. Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve been sitting at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?
I don’t force myself to write. I write only when there are words inside me aching to bleed out.
11. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Also, tell us something about what’s next in the line?
That’s a surprise. You will have to wait for an official announcement.
12. Where do you get your ideas from? Is it extensive reading or something else? What are the most important magazines/blogs for aspiring writers to subscribe to?
Life. Everyday life gives you enough ideas. I am not a very big fan of magazines.
13. Who is your favorite author of all time? Name some of your favourite works of them.
I like Chitra Banerjee. Loved Palace of Illusions.
14. Do you Google yourself? If yes, how often?
Lol 🙂
15. We at HappinessDhaba believe that Words, almost always, can set us free, so we would like you to share some of your favorite words that might create an impact on the readers. It can be a movie dialogue, a book quote, or your own words. Anything, that you feel can bring a change.
“Yeah, yeah whatever!”
16. According to you, what would an egalitarian society look like?
It will start with men doing dishes in the house.
17. Is there anything to learn for humans from the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Don’t take anything too seriously. Things can change 360 degrees in seconds.
18. What’s your advice for the aspiring authors?
Persistence and Patience are very important in this field. One day your manuscript will land up in the right inbox and then there will be no looking back.
19. How can readers connect with you? Share your social media links and email.
Facebook:- reecha.agarwal
Instagram: reecha.agarwal
20. A message for the readers of HappinessDhaba.
Believe in yourself and in the beauty of your dreams.
This was our 7th Interview in the series “Hearty Conversation with Artists.” And we really enjoyed it.
I’ve read only one book of Reecha till now and that is, Such is Her Life. And, I must say it’s really praiseworthy. It’s a tight slap on the so-called self-proclaimed equality flag-bearers who use terms like “she is my son”.
The book will literally leave you gasping to thank women in your life.
Also check out: Our comprehensive review of the book Such is Her Life here.
That’s all we have for today. Thanks a lot for tuning in to HappinessDhaba. Hope, you got to know a lot about author Reecha.
Do let me know your views in the comment section. Till then, Goodbye.
Signing off with my favorite words.
Zindagi Zindabad!
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- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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