Learning the difference between Reality and Representation is key to understanding Punjab. It is same with Music
― Amandeep Sandhu
When trying to understand Punjab’s history and culture, there is really very limited information available as to where to start. With Punjabi diaspora blooming across the globe, there is an even greater desire among them to know more about their motherland.
And what can be a more authentic source than books to serve their purpose of understanding Punjab?
So, to help you in your endeavor of understanding modern-day Punjab and events that shaped it into its current form, here, I have compiled a list of the 7 Books that speak volumes about Punjab’s History and Culture.
1. Panjab: Journeys Through Fault Lines by Amandeep Sandhu
While reading Panjab: Journeys Through Fault Lines you would truly feel like you are on a journey across Punjab with Amandeep as your guide. Amandeep has used the anecdotal style of writing to dig deeper into the history and current state of affairs. The conversations with the citizens are really very interesting and make you feel at home.
The book is divided into 16 chapters – it starts with Satt (wound) and ends with Janamdin (birthday). He covers aspects of Punjab that most of the Punjabis are blissfully unaware of.
There has always been a great difference between reality and representation of Punjab. What sets this book apart is that even with Amandeep holding a mirror to the problems surrounding the state, the readers end up with an even greater sense of connection with the state.
Even if someone has a far-off connection with the state, for some part they would definitely feel the pain of Punjab.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
2. History and Culture of Punjab by Mohinder Singh
History and Culture of Punjab by Mohinder Singh can provide students, scholars, and others interested in Punjab with a reliable source of information. The book carries papers on a variety of aspects of Punjab’s history and culture. With contributions from some of the most prominent historians, it’s one of the best sources for understanding the circumstances that led to modern Punjab.
Articles included in this anthology are—
- History and Culture of Panjab through the Ages,
- Guru Nanak’s Vision of Religious Humanism,
- Guru Gobind Singh in Bengali Writings,
- The Guru in Sikhism: Some further Considerations,
- The Sikh Philosophy of God,
- Inter-religious Dialogue and Understanding,
- Images of Sikhism in the Writings of early Orientalists,
- Modern Panjab: An Overview,
- The Singh Sabha Movement,
- The Chief Khalsa Diwan.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
3. Sadda Punjab by Munish Jindal
Sadda Punjab by Munish Jindal is a comprehensive manuscript on General Knowledge of Punjab covering:―
- History of Punjab, Sikh gurus, Sikh empire,
- Geography of Punjab,
- Punjab under various phases of history ― Ancient, Medieval, and Modern periods.
The book caters well to the needs of the Punjab Civil Services’ aspirants and hence is highly popular among them.
At the same time, it’s a good read for those interested in knowing Punjab’s history and culture.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon,in
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4. Social & Cultural History of the Punjab: Prehistoric, Ancient & Early Medieval by J S Grewal
The Punjab of this book is a metaphor for the geographical region surrounded by
- The Himalayas,
- The Great Indian Desert,
- The Aravali Hills and
- The river Jamuna.
Set in about BC 3000 to AD 1000, Social & Cultural History of Punjab from J S Grewal has equal appeal for The Students, Professional Historians, and The General Reader. Highlighting how during this period the cultural boundaries of this region did not coincide with its geographical boundaries. Grewal explores the region through;-
- Socio-cultural dynamics of the region during different phases of its history.
- The Harappan civilization
- The Rigvedic culture
- The formation of states within the region and their incorporation in empires
- Trade and Urbanization,
- New socio-cultural formations.
The book also discusses the changes in the religious history of Punjab brought about by the ever-changing polity and economy of the region.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
5. Tales of the Punjab – Illustrated by John Lockwood Kipling by Flora Annie Steel
Flora Annie Steel was an English writer who notably lived in British India for 22 years and is best remembered for her books related to children. Tales of Punjab is a stunning collection of about 43 Eastern folktales. The compilation includes:―
- The Faithful Prince
- The Bear’s Bad Bargain
- ‘Prince Lionheart and His Three Friends
- The Son of Seven Mothers, and
- The Adventures of Raja Rasalu
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
6. Punjab, Punjabis, and Punjabiyat: Reflections on a Land and its People by Khushwant Singh
This one from Khushwant Singh deals with:―
- The Area ― Punjab,
- The People ― Punjabis
- The Culture ― Punjabiyat.
It brings together some of Singh’s best writings on Punjab, Punjabis, and the Sikhs. The book deals with various aspects of the region including its geography, climate, history & culture, religion, politics, language, and literature which are covered in 3 Parts:―
Part 1 ― Deals with Punjab’s history, culture, language, and Sikhism.
Part 2 ― Covers the throbbing issues that affected the state during Singh’s lifetime, including the pains of partition, the Khalistan movement, operation blue star, the anti-Sikh riots, and more.
Part 3 ― It’s a collection of profiles of some of the well-known Punjabi poets, politicians, activists, friends, and family.
As this one was compiled posthumously, there is no point expecting a structured approach from this one but yes, it can definitely help you draw a general contour of Punjab’s history and culture.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
7. Punjab: A History from Aurangzeb to Mountbatten by Rajmohan Gandhi
This book from Rajmohan Gandhi is well-researched and seems really popular among the Punjabi diaspora. It gives a historical account of Punjab, from the death of Aurangzeb to the brutal partition in 1947, coinciding with the departure of the British.
Relying on fresh as well as previously available accounts, the author has crafted a compelling narrative about the great events of the time in the region. Some of which are mentioned below:-
- The battles and tragedies that routinely disrupted the lives of ordinary Punjabis,
- The sacking of iconic cities like Lahore, Amritsar, Multan, and Jalandhar by a succession of conquerors,
- The ravages wrought by invaders like Nadir Shah,
- The rise of the Sikhs culminating in the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
- Britain’s wars against the Sikh kingdom,
- The Great Rebellion of 1857 and its effect on Punjab
- The devastation of Partition and much more.
Also, Rajmohan Gandhi tries to answer a few very important questions. One that really appealed to me was that during the post-Aurangzeb Punjab, Muslims were in majority in Punjab followed by Hindus, while Sikhs were a small minority.
However, it was the Sikhs who emerged as the rulers at the end of the confusion surrounding the waning of the Mughal power. Why didn’t the Muslims of Punjab rise to the occasion?
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon.in | Amazon.com
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- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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