The 2 Minute Drill:―
To further improve your chances of a profitable selection, Lynch in his book One Up On Wall Street has suggested a 2-minute drill that he thinks every investor should follow before parting with their money.
He suggests having the following monologue with yourself.
2 Minute Drill:―
Before buying a stock, I would like to be able to give a two-minute monologue that covers:―
1. The reasons I’m interested in this company,
2. What has to happen for the company to succeed, and
3. The pitfalls that stand in its path.
If your very own answers to the above 3 questions satisfy you, you are good to go ahead with the chosen firm.
The drill acts as a safety barrier by limiting the role of emotions in your investment decisions.
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The Best Books:
Recommended Reading Lists
1. Best Books To Help You Develop the HABIT of READING
2. Best Books That Teach the Art of Living a HAPPIER LIFE
3. Best Books To Help You Find HOPE During Your Darkest of Times
4. Best Books on Learning the Art of Songwriting
5. Must-Read Books on Punjab’s History and Culture
6. Best Books on Stock Market and Investing
That’s all we have for today. Thanks a lot for tuning in to HappinessDhaba. Do let us know your views on these in the comment section. And, don’t forget to add more to the list.
Happy Investing!
Signing off with my favorite words.
Zindagi Zindabad!
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