How do we harness our inner fortitude to persevere through the tribulations of life and emerge triumphant?
How do we actualize our true selves amidst the confusing societal constructs that seek to define us?
Bukowski’s “The Laughing Heart” is a poem that dives into these weighty human questions, making it a seminal work for those seeking to navigate through the struggles of human existence.
For those who see writing as a beacon of hope, Bukowski’s work can serve as a guide. His unique style, characterized by its raw and unapologetic language, adds depth and relatability to his works.
He is known for his honest and unvarnished depiction of human suffering and the poem, The Laughing Heart is no exception.
It talks about the universality of the human experience and encourages readers to find their own path.
The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski:―
Your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.
Must-Read: Slay the 21st century with these 15 powerful life lessons from Charles Bukowski
Amazon Links To Buy Charles Bukowski’s Books:―
- You Get So Alone at Times | Amazon In | Amazon US
- Love Is A Dog From Hell | Amazon In | Amazon US
- Post Office | Amazon In | Amazon US
- Factotum | Amazon In | Amazon US
- The Last Night of The Earth Poems | Amazon In | Amazon US
- Ham On Rye | Amazon In | Amazon US
The Best Books: Recommended Reading Lists
1. Best Books That Teach the Art of Living a HAPPIER LIFE
3. Best Books To Help You Find HOPE During Your Darkest of Times
4. Best Books on Learning & Mastering SONGWRITING
5. Must-Read Books on Punjab’s History and Culture
6. Best Books That Talk about Sologamy
8. Alan Watts’s Books That Talk About Human Existence
9. From Ph.D. To Industry: 4 Best Books To Aid Your Transition
That’s all we have for today.
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Zindagi Zindabad!
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- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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