To those who love reading, books are a source of knowledge, happiness, energy, and whatnot. In short, books are their life.
Just as food is the need of the body, in the same way, books are the requirement of mind. Books and imagination go hand in hand.
They not only increase your knowledge but also help you frame your own perspective about life. And, to be frank that is the art most of us lack today.
Through books, we can have a vicarious experience of every situation.
Books are a means of private transportation for an armchair traveler, which he/she uses to travel the world.
We can say that the only addiction which is good to have is the addition of books.
Being from the gang which revels reading every new book, I think I am in a position to suggest to you some of the greatest books that will help you build your own perspective towards life and lead a happier and more contented life
Here we begin:
Books That Teach the Art of Living a Happier Life:―
1. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir on the 14 enlightening Tuesdays that the author, Mitch Albom spent with his terminally-ill professor, Morrie. They together called this book their “Final Thesis together”. The book is full of life-enriching lessons. It’s, in fact, a life coach in itself.
Let me share an enlightening quote from this beautiful book.
The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.
We all often follow certain customs and do certain things just to appease our ailing society. There is no point living that way because there are so many “doctrines of living” floating around that even if we follow one of them, we will be wrong according to another. So as Morrie says, If the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it. In terms of life-lessons, this is one of the best books I have ever read. Morrie will become part of your life after reading this one.
Also Read: 9 Invaluable Life Lessons from Tuesdays with Morrie
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
2. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
From the pen of the New York Times best-selling author Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection inspires us into how we can cultivate the courage to embrace our imperfections.
There is so much so-called guidance floating around from society and the media, on what is correct and what is not. We are forced into the view that perfection is the only right way of doing things.
Remember, you are the protagonist of your life and you are free to devise your own way of doing things.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
3. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think.
After being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, more than anything else, Randy was terrified at the fact that his three small children would only have vivid memories of their father when they are grown-ups. So, when invited for The last lecture, Randy wanted to convert his last chance into something meaningful that could continue to serve as a good reference for his children growing up in his absence.
So, he gave the Lecture, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.”
Soon after the lecture concluded, Randy became an overnight star. His nerdy persona appealed to the masses as his lecture went viral on YouTube.
Though Randy lost his battle with cancer, his “lessons on living” won the internet and continue to be the guiding light for thousands like me.
Also Read: The Last Lecture – 9 Powerful Lessons From A Dying Professor
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
A popular blogger explains to us how to stop being positive all the time and work towards getting better.
Mark Manson says. “Let’s be honest, shit is fucked and we have to live with it.”
It talks about the need to stop giving a fuck about trivial things and lead a contented life. He says while it’s good to have money but working on what you want to do in life is more important because experience is the true wealth.
Also Read: Best Books on Leaning the Art of Songwriting
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5. Happiness is all we want by Ashutosh Mishra
The book Happiness is all we want by Ashutosh Mishra highlights how in today’s world of technology we are neglecting what matters the most i.e. Body, Mind and Soul and focusing more on trivial things. The best thing about the book is that it doesn’t only highlights the problem but also underlines the causes and at the same time comes out with practical solutions.
It suggests a wide range of techniques to help us maintain our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
So, basically, it’s a complete package of Self-Help in itself.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
6. The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. It describes the journey of a shepherd boy named Santiago. It is a narrative of how he follows his dream and unfolds the treasure.
The theme of the book is:
When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
It also highlighted the concept of Love without Ownership.
I will not go ahead or else I will be ruining your reading experience.I would say that if you were to read only a single book in your life, then I would suggest you to go for this one.
It has so much to offer that I have made it a custom to read this one at least once a year because it reminds me that no one has exclusive rights to greatness and anyone can be great.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
7. Into the Wild
by Jon Krakauer
Into the wild is a book based on a true story written by Jon Krakauer.
Christopher McCandless after graduating from college estranged himself from family, society, everything and began traveling across the Western United States. His last words were,
Happiness is only real when shared
This travel account will shake you to the core.
If you don’t like reading books you can watch the movie Into the wild.
Also Read: 9 Books Chris McCandless Took on His Journey ― Into The Wild
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
8. Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig
Reasons To Stay Alive is a true story about how Matt Haig, the author, overcame the depression that had almost annihilated him and how he learned the “art of living” again. Heart-rending and inspiriting both at the same time, it is not just a book, It is a ray of hope for the low-spirited humans. It’s a book about making the most of our time on Earth.
Being someone, who has gone through depression, I can undoubtedly say, this is the rawest content on depression I have come across. Each word of this book is as true as it can get.
Also Read: Best Books on Leaning the Art of Songwriting
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
9. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
by Richard Carlson
Most of us would like to live a calm and stress-free life. This book teaches how to how we can stop trivial things from ruining our life.
In this book, Richard Carlson describes some of the simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life.
It teaches us in a very gentle way to inculcate the question, Will this matter after a year?
The author drives us to see the broader aspect of life.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
10. The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is the need of the hour. It demonstrates how the existence of a supreme being may just be a delusion. It explains how religion causes war, abuses children and promotes bigotry.
I will not talk much as it may interfere with your reading experience, Here I am leaving you with a quote from the book.
Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, and how to disagree with you.
-Richard dawkins
See, religion is a personal thing, you may or may not follow one. But, blind faith is something you must refrain from.
Grab your copy Here ― Amazon IN | Amazon US
The Best Books:
Recommended Reading Lists
2. Best Books To Help You Find HOPE During Your Darkest of Times
3. Best Books To Help You Develop the HABIT of READING
4. Best Books on Leaning the Art of Songwriting
5. Must-Read Books on Punjab’s History and Culture
6.. From Ph.D. To Industry: 4 Best Books To Aid Your Transition
7. Inspiring Ambitions: Autobiographies of Cricketers Who Made It Big
8. Best Books Debating the Existence of Free Will
9. Books To Understand Blockchain Technology
That’s all we have for today. Thanks a lot for tuning in to HappinessDhaba. Do let us know your views on these in the comment section.
Also, don’t forget to add your favorite ones.
Signing off with my favorite words.
Zindagi Zindabad!
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- Psychologist | Engineer | Reader | Blogger
An Engineer-Turned-Psychologist who loves Literature.
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